
To use the Base HP Calculator, enter the level of each building in the column next to the building name. If a building has not been built or has been scrapped, enter a zero for its level. The calculator will update the HP for that building based on its level and calculate each building percentage of the entire base's HP. Default settings are for a fully built out base. Cell protection is used to prevent incorrect levels from being entered.

To determine Bubble / Star thresholds when being attacked, enter a "Y" by each building that has been destroyed. The calculator will determine the % HP destroyed and display a message if the bubble or star thresholds have been crossed.

Thanks to PriceIsWrong from Battle Vortex for suggesting this calculator, and xnih from BP Info for giving the base hitpoint data.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Quick Update

I added the Conquest Yard and the Advanced Lab level 13.  Thanks to the "unknown" commenter who pointed it out.

Note that the health on some of this new stuff is pretty much a guess based on patterns of previous levels.  However, the errors shouldn't be too large since the WH, turrets, and OP are really what drives your bubble pad.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

OP 10

All updated - I think it's right... but if you think I missed something, please let me know in the comments.

Friday, August 25, 2017


I've added the portals, and the 4 more turrets that you can mount to the portal ends.  The portal health is based on a Laredo post.

(EDIT: Those 4 turrets don't have their own health.  I took them back out)